DOTec Engineering Corp Plumber - DataXiVi

DOTec Engineering Corp

Taylor's Best-rated Hvac Repair, Septic System Repair Recommended Plumber

Call for Plumbing Enquiry (22 min. Average Response Time)
Verified Get Quote Report

Profile Overview:

Our main approach is the structural examination of the owners of the new home ($ 575.00 is not worth, at the time of service or on time), we present a report on the site on the same day. Do not include any structural design or analysis; For additional prices, we can provide pictures of stamps for permits, structural, mechanics (HVAC), electricity and plumbing. Other services include structural design and analysis. We also make a criminal check for insurance claims, the report starts from $ 1500.00 and more. Expertise home builder, garage building, plumbers, flooring, electrician, concrete repair, general contractors Emergency Services Offered.

Emergency Services (24-hour Plumbing):

hvac repair service, septic system repair service, lamp repair services and more.

  1. 24-hour HVAC Repair Plumber
  2. 24-hour Septic System Plumber
  3. 24-hour Lamp Repair Plumber

Services we offer:

Discover DOTec Engineering Corp plumbers' wide-ranging expertise. With skills in:

  • HVAC Repair: Hire HVAC repair services experts to service your unit regularly. They can perform a tune-up to ensure everything is running smoothly and can spot any potential problems.
  • Septic System Repair: Septic system problems can be a very serious concern, not only because they cost a lot of money but also because they are hard to detect until the problem has grown too large.
  • Lamp Repair: Hire experienced plumbing experts from DOTec Engineering Corp, We offer the best lamp repair services. Our years of experience make us one of the best lamp repair shops.

They equipped to handle all your plumbing needs. From residential to commercial projects, trust DOTec Engineering Corp to deliver reliable solutions. Contact today for professional plumbing services you can rely on.

Contact Information – Phone Number, Email, and More

Connecting with DOTec Engineering Corp expert plumbers is quick and easy:

Address Taylor, TX - 76574, United States
Phone Number


It's Hidden
Email Address

To get in touch, simply give us a call at given phone number or send an email at provided email address. Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions, provide guidance, and schedule an appointment that fits your convenience. Reach out to us today for reliable plumbing services!

Frequently Asked Questions

DOTec Engineering Corp's Client Testimonials
(Top 2 Verified Reviews)

(Overall 3.7 Out of 5)
#1. Karla and Terry E
2 years ago
● Fremont, California - 94538

Mumtaz: They informed me when Dave was on his way and continued to promise. Davis was fast, villain, afflicted and very professional. Previously, the plumbing used...

2 years ago
● Hillsboro, West Virginia - 24954

When I called to remove the tank and also to regain it, Paul left on the same day within a few hours. It has given us...

Write a Review

Plumbing Contractor / Owner

Plumbing Contractor Kathryn C
Kathryn C Posted on: 10 Jun, 2022
Plumbing contractor Kathryn C's Profile View Profile

Working hours:

Monday:09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday:09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday:09:00 - 16:00
Thursday:09:00 - 16:00
Friday:09:00 - 16:00
Saturday:12:00 - 17:00
Sunday:12:00 - 17:00

Map & Directions:

Comparison with 3 Best Alternatives

# Plumbing Provider Response Time Pricing Structure Licensed Availability Project Completed Emergency Plumbing
DOTec Engineering Corp Approx. 22 min. $189 - $233 / hr 09:00 - 16:00 Approx. 42
#1. CAB Backflow, Inc Approx. 17 min. $239 - $273 / hr 24 hrs. 76+
#2. Russell B Bleakley Plumbing & Heating Inc Approx. 82 min. $89 - $171 / hr 24 hrs. Approx. 74
#3. RIBBLE ROOTER Approx. 13 min. $99 - $125 / hr 24 hours Approx. 71

Dotec Engineering Corp – Alternatives