Pristine Clean Team Plumber - DataXiVi

Pristine Clean Team

Naugatuck's New Drain Cleaning, Washing Machines Repair Expert

Call for Plumbing Enquiry (19 min. Average Response Time)
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Profile Overview:

Tell us what you want and know what was found, peace be upon him

Emergency Services (24-hour Plumbing):

drain cleaning service, washing machines repair service, septic tank cleaning services and more.

  1. 24-hour Drain Cleaning Plumber
  2. 24-hour Washing Machines Plumber
  3. 24-hour Septic Tank Plumber

Services we offer:

Discover Pristine Clean Team plumbers' wide-ranging expertise. With skills in:

  • Drain Cleaning: Pristine Clean Team Professional drain cleaning services can save you time and hassle. Our plumbers have the experience and expertise to quickly identify the cause.
  • Washing Machines Repair: At Pristine Clean Team, Plumbers offer professional washing machines repair and maintenance services at affordable prices. They can help you fix the problem in timely.
  • Septic Tank Cleaning: The Septic tank is the most important part of your home plumbing system. Septic tank cleaning is very important as it maintains the home water system.

They equipped to handle all your plumbing needs. From residential to commercial projects, trust Pristine Clean Team to deliver reliable solutions. Contact today for professional plumbing services you can rely on.

Contact Information – Phone Number, Email, and More

Connecting with Pristine Clean Team expert plumbers is quick and easy:

Address Naugatuck, CT - 6770, United States
Phone Number


It's Hidden
Email Address

To get in touch, simply give us a call at given phone number or send an email at provided email address. Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions, provide guidance, and schedule an appointment that fits your convenience. Reach out to us today for reliable plumbing services!

Frequently Asked Questions

Pristine Clean Team's Client Testimonials
(Top 6 Verified Reviews)

(Overall 3.7 Out of 5)
#1. Anthony P and Marilyn M
2 years ago
● Martins Ferry, Ohio - 43935

You are very happy with estimated price and initial service. The people who came to work were good and the work was very clear. In fact,...

#2. Debe Z
2 years ago
● Brockton, Massachusetts - 02301

I called them one day and left the next day and put it inside. It was very fast and very professional. He did a good job...

#3. ALMA M
2 years ago
● Selma, Alabama - 36701

Morris did a great job! He was a professional and explained everything and went out in a terrible climate to change the pimples when our lower...

#4. Judy S
2 years ago
● Cohasset, Massachusetts - 2025

Because of the right and the tight timeline, he could not end and can solve our problem when we need to fix it. However, he advised...

#5. Sheila B
2 years ago
● Searcy, Arkansas - 72143

They are very professional and knowledgeable. Water filter from reverse osmosis.

#6. Oscar D
2 years ago
● Ilion, New York - 13357

Write a Review

Plumbing Contractor / Owner

Plumbing Contractor Leonard B
Leonard B Posted on: 29 May, 2022
Plumbing contractor Leonard B's Profile View Profile

Working hours:

Monday:09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday:09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday:09:00 - 16:00
Thursday:09:00 - 16:00
Friday:09:00 - 16:00
Saturday:12:00 - 17:00
Sunday:12:00 - 17:00

Map & Directions:

Comparison with 3 Best Alternatives

# Plumbing Provider Response Time Pricing Structure Licensed Availability Project Completed Emergency Plumbing
Pristine Clean Team Approx. 19 min. $189 - $227 / hr 09:00 - 16:00 Approx. 60
#1. Blue Collar Drainage Solutions Approx. 30 min. $239 - $299 / hr 24 hrs. 58+
#2. Keyrak Dog Club Approx. 30 min. $129 - $159 / hr 24 hrs. 57+
#3. Infinity Plumbing & Rooter Approx. 26 min. $119 - $171 / hr 09:00 - 16:00 53+

Pristine Clean Team – Alternatives